Ben Jacobs welcomed 15 members. There are absentee votes from one member.
Overview of the last 12 months
Holly Newnham gave an overview of the last 12 months at the space.
Appointing of chairperson
Ben stood up as chairperson and Bracken Dawson seconded, the membership approved this.
Approval of previous meeting minutes
The previous meeting minutes from 2018-04-29 were approved with 15 for, none against and none abstaining.
Reaffirmation of the current trustees
No trustees are standing down. The current trustees were re-affirmed with 15 for, none against and none abstaining.
Overview of accounts
The treasurer Rob Cowe gave an overview of accounts.
Year to April 31st:
Total income: 16693.75 Total Expenses: -15384.91 PL: 1308.84
Last AGM:
Income: 15365.66 Expense: 16775.69 PL: -1410
Total Memebers: 80 Average subscription: 16 Last year: 78 Average subscription: 15
Current balances: 1645 Savings: 2031
Months until doom last AGM was 7, the current MUD is infinity.
Plans for the year: If we can keep MUD at infinity, I'd like to assign a monthly budget for consumables (Tools bits, Filiment, solder) as well as build up our savings.
Update on actions from previous AGM
Members Storage Amendments
Ed Chaney reported that we implemented this, it seems to have had no issues. Ben added that there have been no complaints.
Confirmation of Admin Role
Ben reported that the Admin role has been implemented.
Paint an Info Wall
Holly reported that it has been painted white, we did have to build it first. We will use Vinnie the vinyl cutter to finish this task.
Workshop Lighting
Ed reported that it is better but it could be better. We want more light in there. Ben added we may have some lighting coming from the local scouts group. It was noted that we also need dust extraction.
Induction for Members and Keyholders
Ed reported that members inductions is live, keyholder is not yet live as the wiki already explains what to do if you are keyholder and this needs cross-referencing to make sure there is one definitive document. The trustees will discuss the possibility of removing keyholder status from those who have not done the induction once it is live.
Induction for Workshop Users
Ed reported that induction for workshop users is not in place, roles are, but we need content for the induction.
Mission Statement
The mission statement was read by Holly an approved with 16 for, none against and 1 abstaining.
Any Other Business
Ben Carrington wishes to loan a vending machine to the space, this will be discussed on the mailing list.
Chris Carter reports that the large change process is not being followed. Holly says we need examples of this.
Companies House needs a reasonably up to date list of members, Rob Cowe to do so.
Ben & Ed want to make sure new members are aware of being on the register at companies house.
It was pointed out that the AGM is being livestreamed without consent of attendees, nobody at this point objected. Consent has subsequently been witheld by at least one present at the meeting for recordings to be kept. All recordings of the AGM will be deleted by their respective keepers.
John Dodge asked if there is sufficient funds for the CNC repairs, Dave says the issue is largely time.
Holly says running or attending events does not need a trustee and encourages anyone to do so.
Ed reports that on the workshop user role & induction: We need to know which tools need to be included. We need to have a better awareness of what tools we have and their condition. Suggest we list all tools on the wiki and their condition with respect to safety, as well as general information on the use of that type of tool. Ed calls for a subcommittee to do this. Ben has been working on a management system for the trustees mainly focussing on Health & Safety, hopefully to be hosted on the Wiki. Ed says we may have to stop the use of some tools if this is not done. Ben says a lot of members seem to use the space as if it is an extension of their own garage, not using guards, PPE, etc. There are criminal liabilities as this is a corporate space. It was explained that the member induction does now tell new members that they should not be using a tool if they can’t show that they are competent.