Location: So Make It - Unit F Attendees: 21 Members 2 Non-members 2 Absentee votes
The meeting opened with a welcome from Allison Schaap and an overview of the last 6 months progress from James Brutan, Dean Robinson and various.
This included progress updates on:
- New Shelving Storage
- Dust Extraction & Filtration
- Hot Water heater
- Coffee table painting
Allison Schaap was appointed chair
James Southern was appointed secretary
The minutes of the last meeting were approved
stepping down:
- Bracken Dawson,
- Jem Gilligam
- Paul Davies
Remaining trustees were voted back in unanimously with one abstention:
- James Bruton,
- David Rowntree,
- Dean Robinson,
- Holly Saurus,
- Patrick
It was noted that the trustee photos in the space should be replaced.
Status of Accounts
Paul Davies gave a brief verbal overview of the accounts, as it was not possible to print and distribute copies of the accounts they was not voted on.
The space continues to be well in the black with several months rent in savings as well as some two thousand pounds spare cash.
There are currently 80 members paying on average £15pm.
A query was raised as to if the spare cash included laser replacement monies and it was agreed that this accounted for roughly £1,500 of the two thousand spare.
Update on actions from the EGM
Members storage system - this has been successfully implemented although Holly reminded the membership that they should feel empowered to police this themselves.
Decision making policy this has been successfully used to some extent although it needs a sticky post on the google group to ensure new members see it.
Metal lathe the purchases successfully went through although the key evening lathe super user is sadly currently rarely attending.
Communication policy it was deemed that this "went OK".
Dean Robinson for Treasurer
Proposed by Dean Robinson Seconded by Ben Jacobs 24 voted in favour.
Members Only
Proposed By Holly Newnham Seconded by Bracken Dawson
Modification to the membership and roles policy of the makerspace.
"Member" shall be the only level of membership and shall include membership of So Make It ltd. Members will continue to pay monthly subscriptions as they do prior to this proposal.
"Friend" shall be amended to "Registered user", those users shall be able to apply for membership as they can now, and may visit the space in the advertised public opening hours, and may only use tools which require no induction. They will continue to donate as they see appropriate for their use of the space, as they do prior to this proposal.
"Supporter" will be removed. Those who hold the supporter role only shall be able to apply for full membership or drop to registered user.
"Keyholder", "Trustee" and the other roles unrelated to tool use will be unaffected.
Only Members may sign in visitors to the space from other members clubs in the logbook at the door, that member will be responsible entirely for those visitors. Those visitors may only use tools which do no require induction.
- Yes, the proposal in full will be implemented.
- No, the status quo shall remain.
The wording of the new membership policy to be placed on this page of the wiki: (currently quite bare).
Registered User
Registered users are people who have an account on and who have confirmed their email address. This is appropriate for infrequent users of the space.
This role is granted by: - Registering on the members area. - Confirming email address. - One trustee approval.
They may: - Visit the space during public opening hours. - Use tools which do not require induction (these are clearly signposted).
They should: - Pay donations for their use of the space as they feel is appropriate. Suggested £5 per visit. - Follow the Rules of the makerspace.
Member A member is a member of the company; So Make It Ltd. This is a legal term, members have one vote in general meetings, So Make It Ltd. is required to hold an accurate name and postal address for every member. Members have general access to the space when keyholders (see below) are present. Members pay a monthly subscription of what they feel is appropriate per month, from a minimum of £5 and around a suggested £20 per calendar month. This role is appropriate for frequent users of the space.
This role is granted by: - User applying for membership. - Two trustees approval. - Trustee confirming name and address to the trustees satisfaction, reasonable flexibility here is encouraged. - User paying up monthly subscription.
They may: - Visit the space whenever a keyholder is present. - show quoted text - - Sign in and be wholly responsible for visitors from other members clubs.
They must: - Pay monthly subscription, minimum £5/mo, suggested £20/mo. - Follow the Rules of the makerspace.
Keyholder <keyholder is out of the scope of this proposal, the existing keyholder policy will simply be documented here>
This was a contentious proposal with arguments over what constituted a 'public opening' and if the removal of supporters would disadvantage members who wished to keep their name and address from being pubicly accessible.
It was pointed out that the only current supporter is 'xrobots ltd'.
It was agreed that a sub-committee will be selected by trustees to define 'public opening hours'.
1 - absentee for 1 - proxy for 13 - For 4 - against 5 - abstain
Grievance and Disciplinary Procedure -
Proposed By Holly Newnham Seconded - by James Southern
Grievance - When a member wishes to complain about the conduct of another member.
The member raising the grievance must submit their concern in writing to the trustees.
The trustees will designate one trustee to take the lead.
The responding member must be informed of the content of the grievance and given an opportunity to respond via the coordinating trustee.
If the response is satisfactory to the aggrieved member, the matter will be closed.
If the response is not satisfactory, the members will be invited to meet with at least 2 trustees for mediation.
The outcome of the meeting will be either resolution or escalation to disciplinary action.
It was agreed the proposal should be amended to include that the entire process is confidential. It was pointed out that vulnerable persons would need an advocate (legally).
1 - for by proxy 22 - for 0 - against 1 - abstain
Door / General Security
Proposed by Dean Robinson, Seconded by Holly
benjie - notes that the fire door is not attached to the wall. Don't replace the door - bolster what we've got.
Do nothing: - 0 £100 - £250: - 11 Whatever the cost - 10
Proposed by Dean Robinson, Seconded by Holly
UV filter for welding -
Do nothing: - 0 50 - 100: - 21 Unlimited funds - 1
Any other business
A member raised the that they are not on the google group & know nothing about it - this needs sorting!
The belt sander is dead
Ben proposes that a similar replacement is bought at a cost of ~ £250.
Thanks to James B for the excellent loan of his belt sander.
for - 21 abstention - 1
CnC machine
less noisy than the laser cutter! Got no money? Do we want a pledge drive?
Problems raised:
It will take up lots of space It should be fully enclosed Ben & Dean plan to setup a subcommittee
IOI want to use a CNC machine - 11 IOI think a CNC machine is a good idea - 20
H&S Legislation
London hackspace & UK hackspace mailing list good place to ask if anyone has sought a legal opinion. Cambridge - have paid staff with training.