< Meetings < Agenda


This page shall list the agenda for the next general meeting. It will be forked and purged of content each time a meeting has been held.

The next meeting is scheduled for: 29/10/2016, 14:00, at So Make It

Chairperson: Bracken Dawson

Secretary: Jem Gillam

Treasurer: Paul Davies


  1. Welcome and overview of the last 6 months. (Bracken Dawson)
  2. Appoint chairperson (Bracken Dawson)
  3. Approve minutes of last meeting (Jem Gillam)
  4. Trustees
    1. The role of a trustee (Dean Robinson)
    2. Reaffirm current trustees (Bracken Dawson)
    3. Appointment of Holly Saurus (seconded by Mark Hindess)
    4. Stepping down of Chris Smith
  5. Brief status of accounts (Paul Davies)
  6. Update on actions from the previous AGM (Jem Gillam)
    1. Laser cutter purchase report (Chris Smith)
  7. Proposals
  8. Any other business
    1. A reminder to and a clarification of how to report when operational equipment is broken. (Jem Gillam)
    2. Workshop safety (Dean Mussett)
    3. Air extraction for the workshop (James Southern)
    4. Building new storage in an upwards direction. (Holly Saurus)
    5. Member induction procedure (Holly Saurus)
    6. Rules/Policy signage and visibility (Holly Saurus)
    7. Discussion of a milling machine purchase (James Southern, Ben Jacobs)
    8. Potential new space! (James Bruton)
  9. End of AGM
  10. Q&A with the trustees and cake.
  11. Members invited to stay afterwards to set up a "So Move It" group to begin looking at moving venues.


Should be in the example format at the end of the page and posted on the google group for discussion.

Proposal 1: Cash Handling Review

Proposed by Chris Smith, seconded by Paul Davies Discussion here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/somakeit-organisation/AVYcg5JmF24 We need to review our cash handling policies to:

  • Restrict our cash amounts to a sensible maximum. This includes any float the treasurer may be holding as well as money in the boxes at the space. This may seem like a lot of money but it soon adds up – plus everybody should be aware taking the money to the bank and paying it in is a job that has to be done by somebody.
  • Secure the bank account by arranging a limit on withdrawals of cash to a sensible amount over which without a counter signature from all trustees on the mandate, the withdrawal cannot be made. It’s rare we’d need to ever withdraw this amount but could be required.
  • Make it easier for members to make purchases for the space with sensible levels of approval. After all, a member could reduce their subs and donate the item.
  • Secure our liquidity by specifying that the account must have a minimum buffer of X at all times. The buffer amount is to be determined by the treasurer based on all bills such as rent, utilities and insurance with a minimal budget for sundries. As we don't expect to lose our entire membership in one go, this should mean if we got into financial difficulties there would be several months where funds could be raised. I would expect this amount to be around £1300 based on my estimations of our outgoings but Paul can come up with a far more accurate figure.

Part A:

  • Option 1: Restrict our cash amounts to a maximum of £500.
  • Option 2: Status qoe, do not include this in a cash handling policy.

Part B:

  • Option 1: Contact the bank and arrange a limit on withdrawals of cash to the amount of £500 or over without a counter signature from all trustees on the mandate.
  • Option 2: Status qoe, leave the account without this protection.

Part C:

  • Option 1:

A trustee on the mandate or any member granted spending powers can spend up to a maximum of £20 without a trustee quorum. Any purchase above the amount of £100 must be agreed upon by a trustee quorum. Any purchase above the amount of £250 must be voted on by the membership either at an AGM/EGM or special meeting. Make it mandatory that the treasurer must be informed of all purchases no matter how small and all proof of purchase such as receipts must be handed to them within a good time.

  • Option 2:

Members are pre-approved to make necessary purchases for the space, the number of members required to decide this is the value in pounds sterling divided by 15, plus one. This is valid up to £250. eg: 2 members can agree to spend £15, 3 members can spend £30, and four members can spend £45 if they unanimously deem it necessary for the space. One member and one trustee can spend up to £250 if they deem it necessary for the space. Such purchases must be re-reimbursed through the treasurer with a receipt and list of members/trustees who agreed on the purchase. Spending over £250 will be voted on at an AGM/EGM or special meeting.

  • Option 3:

Status qoe, do not include this in a Cash Handling policy.

Part D:

  • Option 1: The space shall implement policy to keep a balance of £1300 in hand at all times as a buffer to cover expenses.
  • Option 2: Status quo, do not include this in a Cash Handling policy.

Proposal 2: Chore Management

Proposed by Holly Saurus, seconded by Benjie Gillam

Discussion and example here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/somakeit-organisation/yxK-bgLiT6Q

Inspired by another UK makerspace, I propose a method for tracking when routine space chores have been carried out and by whom.

Using a whiteboard, we can make a table of the tasks that need regular attention. This will be used by members to note when they have carried out the tasks so everyone can see when they were last done. We will also be able to see if the same few people are doing all the chores.

In the example I've created, you can see how this would work. Coloured magnets mark the most recent entry. When someone completes a task, they write in their initials and the date, move the magnet into their space and wipe off the entry to the right. We can write simple instructions, the tasks and the lines in permanent marker and keep a wipeboard marker attached to the board.

In my example, we can see that only SB has swept the floors in a while. They would now be justified in reminding other members that it's a chore everyone should be doing. We can also see that the kitchen hasn't been cleaned in over a week. This should spur a member into doing it.

The point of the system is to give a bit of recognition to the people who regularly carry out the tasks as well as letting everyone see when things were last done. It has a low, one off cost for the board and magnets. Members who quietly carry out the housekeeping side of space maintenance should hear fewer people complaining that no-one does anything. It promotes personal responsibility and serves as a reminder that everyone is responsible for the upkeep of the space.

  • Option 1: Implement this
  • Option 2: Status qoe

Proposal 3: Clearing PC Bench

Proposed by Bracken Dawson, Seconded by Chris Smith

Discussion here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/somakeit-organisation/qEAvnM4OCbI

The PCs have degraded to the state where you can't walk up and use them again. Junk in the way, missing mice etc...

Option A:

The desk be cleared and reduced to:

  • A single PC (the highest spec).
  • One permanent pi station (ethernet cable, the pink HDMI monitor, keyboard & mouse)
  • Space for the 2nd Taz printer.
  • More clean desk applicable space. Plus all clean desk space in the space will be labelled with the clean desk rules.
  • Clear leg space underneath.

This includes removing the rackmount server as modern laptops benchmark higher and don't use 250W of power while idle.

Option B: Same as A, but the silly server is the machine that's kept.

Option C: No change.

The resulting work will be done by Bracken and any willing volunteers.

Proposal 4: Members Storage Policy.

Proposed by Ed Chaney, Seconded by James Southern.

1.1 The Members Storage policy replaces the Empty Desk Policy and the Big Projects Policy. It relates to all items left in the space that are neither owned by the space nor currently loaned to the space.

1.2 Items are left in the space at the owner’s risk.

Member Storage Boxes:

2.1 Each Member is entitled to a single standard size Member Storage Box in the Member Storage Area.

2.2 A current Member may store Items as long as they like within their Member Storage Box.

Temporary Project Storage:

3.1 There shall be clearly defined Temporary Project Storage Areas within the space.

3.2 A current Member may store Items within Temporary Project Storage Areas providing that the Items are authorised and clearly labelled with the following information:

a) Member who owns the Item.
b) The removal date.
c) How to contact the Owner.
d) Keyholder or Trustee authorising the item (if required).

3.3 Members must seek authorisation from a Keyholder or Trustee. A Keyholder may authorise Items for 1 week. A Trustee may authorise Items for up to 2 weeks. A Quorum of Trustees may authorise Items indefinitely.

3.4 If the project is still current the label may be refreshed. However, using Temporary Project Storage Areas as long term storage will be considered as a breach of this policy.

Large Items:

4.1 Items which do not fit into a Member Storage Box or Temporary Project Storage Area are considered Large Items and should not generally be kept in the space.

4.2 A Keyholder may authorise Large Items for 24 hours, Trustees may authorise Large Items for 1 week, a Quorum of Trustees may authorise Large Items indefinitely.

4.3 Care must be taken to ensure disruption to other space users is minimised and safety is not impacted. Large Items causing a hazard may be moved or considered a breach of this policy.

Items in breach of the members storage policy:

5.1 Items which are not in a Member Storage Box, labelled as per 3.2. or which are past their removal date are in breach of this policy and will be considered lost or unwanted property.

5.2 Any Member may take the following action(s) on items that are in breach of this policy:

a) Small items may be placed in the Lost Property Box.
b) Items which do not fit in the Lost Property Box must be clearly labelled stating:
i. The Item breaches the members storage policy.
ii. Date the label is placed on the Item.
c) After one week Items may be placed on the Donation Shelves or assimilated into space property.

5.3 Members are encouraged but not required to notify the owner or the group when moving items to the Lost Property Box or labelling Items in breach of this policy.

5.4 A Quorum of trustees may take measures against members who abuse this policy, such as but not limited to removal or destruction of Items, removal of storage privileges and formal grievance proceedings.

  • Option 1: Implement this policy
  • Option 2: Status qoe

Proposal 5: Metal Lathe Equipment

Proposed by Duncan McPherson, seconded by Ben Jacobs

Discussion at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/somakeit-organisation/aBnCgbiY-Xk

The metal lathe is a unique piece of equipment in The Space in that almost no-one will have access so anything similar anywhere else, and most people will be unfamiliar with its use. This means that those using it may be coming to the space specifically to learn and practice machining.

It is also a tool that is dependent on lots of accessory tools for it to be useful. Without these tools it is not a very useful machine; with them it would be a unique selling point for SMI and a valuable resource. The nature of this sort of tool is that it involves a lot of capital expenditure initially, but the rate of depreciation is very slow or not at all, and relatively simple maintenance is required to maintain its function and value.

The guiding principle for the lathe therefore should be that there should be adequate tools for a beginner to bring some stock to the space and, after suitable safety instruction, teach themselves machining by working through a set of beginner projects. This set of tools would also cover the large majority of tasks that an experienced user might want to undertake.

A standard beginners project book is Metal Lathe for Home Machinists. The list of tools that are needed to complete these projects but are not in the space is:

  • Dial gauge and stand
  • Feeler gauges
  • Thread measuring gauge
  • Threading tool setting gauge
  • Vertical slide and vice
  • Fly cutter holder
  • Tool steel blanks
  • Independent four jaw chuck
  • Face plate and clamping bits
  • Lathe dog
  • Quick change tool post and holders
  • Boring bar holder
  • Parting tools
  • Fixed steady
  • Reverse jaws for three jaw chuck
  • Half centre
  • Live centre
  • Knurling tool
  • Milling cutters
  • Slitting saw and holder

Some of these tools can be made using other tools, depending on the order of acquisition, for example having the face plate and clamps would enable making the knurling tool. Some are more useful than others (the dial gauge is necessary for project 0, the slitting saw for only the last one). Most could be acquired new, but may be prohibitively expensive. Most are fairly cheap individually (a threading tool setter can be found for ~£2, the four jaw chuck has been seen for £100). Therefore the purchasing strategy would need to rely on acquiring second hand items from eBay, specialist auctions, random finds etc which means needing to move quickly when they become available.

  • Option 1. Do nothing and/or get rid of lathe;
  • Option 2. Get a four jaw chuck (~£100), fly cutter holder (~£25), selection of cutters (£50) and material for Dean to fabricate a vertical slide, this would get a member roughly half way through the starter book;
  • Option 3. Get everything on the list (~£600) so that all 13 projects can be completed with the lathe;
  • Option 4. Option two plus get a milling machine and then work out what tooling is still needed.

Proposal 6: Lathe induction

Proposed by Jem Gillam, seconded by Duncan McPherson

To introduce the roles of 'Lathe Superuser' and "Lathe User' in order to make sure our lathe is used correctly and safely.

A role of Lathe Superuser shall be created. The role of a Lathe Superuser will be to induct workshop users into the use of the lathe and be a focal point and support for Lathe Users. They must also be a Lathe User.

A role of Lathe User shall be created. A member will be granted the role of Lathe User when the following conditions are all met:

  1. they have certified that they understand the risks involved
  2. they have certified that they know good, safe practice in lathe use
  3. a Lathe Superuser confirms they have received induction
  4. they are a member of So Make It
  5. they are familiar with the use of the workshop.

Only Lathe Users may use the lathe without direct supervision, and then only when following general workshop good practice including not working alone. Anyone else may use the lathe as long as they are familiar with the workshop and are directly supervised (that is in the same room and not occupied with any other tasks) by a Lathe User at all times.

  • Option 1: Implement this policy and its roles.
  • Option 2: Status qoe

Proposal 7: So Make It Decision making policy.

Proposed by James Southern, seconded by Mark Hindess

Discussion thread here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/somakeit-organisation/SHreeh-rg7c

In order to improve the speed at which we make decisions and insure that planned changes always have clear ownership that they will either be completed or abandoned.


This policy sets out a framework for managing major changes to the space. A major change satisfies at least one of the following:

  • The change is likely to negatively impact members reasonable use of the space.
  • The change could not easily be reversed by the member who made it.
  • The change will take more than a day to complete.

Changes which are not major do not require official discussion and the member who wishes to improve the space should simply discuss it informally and make it so!


For major changes the proposing member should post to the official space messaging platform (as selected by the trustees) outlining the following:

  • Why they want to make the change, what benefits does it bring.
  • How the change may negatively impact other members’ ability to use the space for its intended purpose.
  • A brief outline of the plan to effect this change.

Other members are then free to register their interest in helping with this change or to contest the change on the grounds of likely negative impact to their making activities.

After an appropriate consultation period, if the trustees feel any negative impacts are acceptable, a quorum of trustees will nominate a subcommittee from the interested members. Ideally this subcommittee will include representatives from all groups likely to be impacted by the change and must contain at least 2 members.

Sub-committee responsibilities:

  • Subcommittees are responsible for deciding the details of how to effect a planned change.
  • Subcommittees are responsible for keeping membership updated on the major changes they will make.
  • Subcommittees are responsible for carrying out and completing their changes.
  • If a Subcommittees drops to having only one member they must either recruit more members or else terminate the planned change.
  • Other membens/users of the space not part of the subcommittee doing the work shall not interfere with the design of the change without good cause.
  • Once the committee and trustees are satisfied that the planned change has been stably implemented the subcommittee will be dissolved.

The Do-ocracy casting vote.

  • Since all members of So Make It are volunteers it is unfair to dictate by vote work other people will carry out. In the case of an even vote on a subcommittee the deciding vote will be that of the person or people willing to carry out the work.

This policy shall be documented on the WiKi and linked from the wiki home page under a heading of "Policies". It will also be placed in a sticky post on the space messaging platform chosen by the trustees.


  1. As above but a major changes defined as longer than 1 week not 1 day.
  2. As above but Subcommittee members to be selected by a single trustee not a quorum.
  3. Status qoe, do not implement this policy.

Communication platforms.

Proposed by Bracken Dawson, seconded by Dave Rowntree

It has been raised that often discussion and decisions resulting from them are not open enough to the membership and that we have a confusingly large array of official communication platforms. To that end I suggest that we drop to a single public mailing list and declare it to be the nexus point for decisions to be excellently broadcast.

Part A:

  • Option 1: Purge the organisation mailing list of non-members.
  • Option 2: Lock the organisation mailing list and conduct all such discussion on the main public mailing list.
  • Option 3: Status qoe, leave the mailing lists in the state they are in.

Part B:

  • Option 1: Write the following communications policy on the wiki and link it on the Main_page: So Make It allows discussion about the space in any channel. Decisions and the reasons for these decisions should be communicated excellently in the <channel nominated in part A>. <Link to list of channels>.
  • Option 2: Status quo, write no communication policy.

Proposal 8 :So Make It Mission Statement

Proposed by James Southern, seconded by Mark Hindess

Discussion thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/somakeit-organisation/Ycxo1shcKu4

Option 1: To provide our membership with tools, community and information in support of all their making endeavours.

So Make It is a non-profit run by its Membership with Trustees acting as a single point of contact, providing the legal and financial organisation to run the space, and working as mediators of last resort in disputes.

The mission statement will be painted on a chosen wall visible to those in the space and documented on the WiKi page linked from the Main_Page

Option 2: Status qoe, adopt no mission statement at this time.

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