Shrimping.Christmas Tree Lights


  1. Wire the Positive (+) from the power supply (red) to a 5V Pin on the Arduino/shrimp and to the Red wire on the first LED.
  2. Wire the Negative (-) from the power supply (black) to a GND Pin on the Arduino/shrimp and to the Blue wire on the first LED.
  3. Wire the Green wire from the first LED to pin PB5/SCK on your Arduino/shrimp.
  4. Wire the White wire from the first LED to pin PB3/MOSI on your Arduino/shrimp.

Wiring a shrimp

connecting to a PC with Arduino

You will need to disconnect the positive wire from the power supply while the Arduino when it is plugged into your USB port.

connecting to a PC with shrimp

Leave 5V unconnected from the USB adapter, you can power the shrimp and the lights from the power supply when programming


  1. Download the Arduino IDE and install it.
  2. Download the FastSPI_20121014 FastSPI library and install that into your arduino IDE.
  3. Open the Arduino IDE, press Sketch > Import Library > Add Library... and select the FastSPI zip file.
  4. Get the ChristmasLights source code (download the zip or clone with git).
  5. Open the ChristmasLights.ino file with the ArduinoIDE.
  6. Read the configuration.h file and change things like the number of LEDs you have.
  7. Press upload.
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